
Welcome to the Calderdale Calligraphers Beginners page

Having made the first step in accessing our web site we can now give you more information about how we encourage beginners into calligraphy. If you would like to read about our history please click on the About Us link below.

As a beginner you will be either a complete raw recruit or may have tried calligraphy before on your own and found it difficult. We believe the best way is to have tuition from an expert and support from other calligraphers. We would encourage all to join a society of ‘like minded people’ and keep trying. Calligraphy is often said to be the art of beautiful writing and therefore takes time but the results are amazing.

We have introduced two workshops for beginners.  First we have a single workshop for a beginners first day.  We explain how the society operates, the venue, the arrangements of the workshops and then we teach the very basics of calligraphy and how to begin to write a script.  Secondly we have a Back to Basics workshop that runs over the year from January to December.  This workshop covers basic scripts and a few extras that help beginners to design and create a piece of calligraphy.  This second workshop is not just for beginners but is for all society members who might want to brush up on a particular script.  The workshop titles are given in the 'Program' page of the web site.  We have put together a ‘Beginners’ pack of materials, just enough to get you started and at minimum cost. If you do join us please bring along any calligraphy materials you may already possess.

Below are links to other sections of this web site for additional information if required.

About Us,   Membership and workshop fees, Materials list, Workshop program. After reading the information above if you would like to register your interest or require more info send us a message by completing the contact form below:-

Beginners Contact

Note: Everything marked with a * is a required field.